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DRRA Land Use Committee

Request for Regular Patrols

Updated: Nov 20, 2022

VIA EMAIL and U.S.P.S. Los Angeles County SheriffAlex Villanueva 4700Ramona Blvd. Monterey Park, CA 91754

July 6, 2021

Re: Patrolling county property in Del Rey

Dear Sheriff Villanueva: Del Rey is transected by three creeks: Ballona Creek, Centinela Creek and the Sepulveda Channel. There are county flood control-easements along all three of these creeks, and Los Angeles County Public Works comes out regularly to maintain the gates and fences. There are also about 200 single family homes and 200 apartments in the unincorporated county area between Centinela Avenue and Grosvenor Avenue, from Ballona Creek to Jefferson Boulevard. For the past several years, we have experienced many homeless individuals using the County easements to reach their encampments, which are sometimes on the easements themselves. In the past four years, we have had more than a dozen fires along the 90 freeway, on or near the County easements. We are aware that federal, state, county, city and joint powers authorities administer different areas along our creeks, but we believe strongly that it would be helpful if the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department were to institute regular patrolsof the county easements. They are fenced, locked and marked “No Trespassing.” We request that those rules be enforced. Please let us know if your department can institute regular patrols of Del Rey’s county areas to protect county property and ensure the safety of county residents. Our Board of Directors e-voted and approved this letter. The letter was previously approved by our land use committee.

Sheriff Alex Villanueva July 6, 2021

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Very truly yours,

Elizabeth Campos Layne President

cc: Marina Del Rey Sheriff Station, 13851 Fiji Way, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

County Supervisor Holly Mitchell, Attn: Arminé Sarsyan

(via e-mail) LAPD Captain Steven Embrich (via e-mail)

LAPD SLO Hector Aceves (via e-mail) LAPD SLO Javier Ramirez(via e-mail)


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