P.O. Box 661450; Los Angeles, CA 90066
January 5, 2021
Via USPS and Email
Alan Como
Department of City Planning
Major Projects Section
200 N. Spring Street, Room 750
Los Angeles, CA 90012
RE: Paseo Marina Development
State Clearinghouse #2017061017
Paseo Marina, 13400–13450 Maxella Ave,
and 4305-4363 Glencoe Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90292
Dear Mr. Como,
The Paseo Marina project developers, after purportedly digesting the 2019 community response to the draft Environmental Impact Report, returned this fall to make ubiquitous presentations of their revised project. They persist in construing their massive proposed complex as providing a benefit to the Del Rey community while failing to mention that they need a General Plan Amendment (“GPA”) in order to make it happen. Furthermore, they want the GPA while we are in the middle of discussing the proposed update of the Palms Mar Vista Del Rey Community Plan
As concerned residents, we show up, speak up, write our representatives, survey our neighbors, write reports, and voice disapproval in overwhelming solidarity; yet, our voice falls on deaf ears as the developers march ahead towards their goal of obtaining a General Plan Amendment that would allow them to build a massive mixed-use, predominantly residential development in the shopping and entertainment center of Del Rey -- the Marina Marketplace.
We would support a project, whether by City Planning approval or to be permitted by the updated Community Plan, that prioritizes and maintains the neighborhood commercial center characteristics of the property. The project should contain a quantity of non-residential space at least equal to the existing commercial square footage (approximately 100,000 SF), and must provide publicly used functions including but not limited to:
• Retail shops
• Restaurants/cafes
• personal and business services/community meeting room
• Health, wellness, fitness facilities
• Civic, government, public recreational (e.g., swimming pool), and other community space
• Cultural institutions
• Educational institutions
• Movie theaters
• Bookstore
• Post office
● We do not support any spot-zoning (General Plan Amendment) for this property.
● We do not support any proposal that varies from the existing community plan.
● We do not support any exceptions to zoning, especially now, while LA City Planning is in the process of updating the Palms/Mar Vista/Del Rey Community Plan. The existing zoning is M1-1, with a FAR of 1.5:1. This allows for 390,000 sq.ft. to be built. No residential is permitted. None.
(Note: The current proposal is for building 559,000 sq.ft. with a predominance of residential.)
The current property, in the area designated by the proposal, has been allowed to fade and sag. The developer has shown disinterest in the community by letting the years pass without suitable maintenance, upgrades and improvements in keeping with the surrounding neighborhood, or with the competitors’ shopping complexes nearby, e.g. Waterside, Marina del Rey.
Allowing the Paseo Marina project to proceed would be an enriching give-away to the developer at the expense of the quality of life we chose when we moved to Del Rey.
This letter is a restatement and update of our letter of March 27, 2019 to Sergio Ibarra and LA City Planning Major Projects. (Attached to this email.)
Additionally, we call your attention to the 43-page report written by the DRRA Land Use Committee dated June 3, 2019 detailing the general consensus on issues with the Paseo Marina 2016 proposal. (Attached to this email.)
_____________________________ ________________________
Maureen Madison Elizabeth A. Pollock
President DRRA Land Use Committee
cc via email
Kinikia Gardner, Community Plan Update
Diego Janacua, Community Plan Update
Mayor Eric Garcetti
Councilmember Mike Bonin
Council District 11, Planning Deputy Len Nguyen
Council District 11, Del Rey Deputy Vishesh Anand
State Senator Ben Allen
State Assemblywoman Autumn Burke
Del Rey Residents Association board of directors
Del Rey Residents Association land use committee
Del Rey Neighborhood Council board of directors
3/27/19 Letter to City Planning
From comment form:
Department of City Planning City of Los Angeles
200 N Spring Street, Room 750 Los Angeles, CA 90012
From the DEIR:
Environmental Case: ENV-2016-3343-EIR
State Clearinghouse No.: 2017061017
in case the lack of response to my 12/24 was due to the 'too close to Xmas' factor, I've copied it here.
a) Really like the 'prioritize' part, but would suggest tweaking it a bit.
Maybe: 'We look forward to supporting a future project, one that prioritizes and maintains the neighborhood commercial center characteristics of the property.'
The thought is we already support something different, and are not sure we would support this project even if they changed it; and I know City Planning/City is how it would be done, but I'd like the emphasis to stay on the DRRA.
b) Do we want to mention the 100k SF as a minimum? My concern is this will be interpreted as 'give us 100k SF of retail', and that will be their new goal - but they'll say it's only 85k (they converted some to office since the Draft EIR) and in order to give you that we would have to have another 200k of residential; and then they'll imply they changed based on feedback from the DRRA and let's move forward.
c) Maybe something like: 'The current project's square footage is less than 10% community serving, and that is not acceptable.'?