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DRRA Land Use Committee

LA City Emergency Directive 1

The DRRA's Land Use Committee recently sent the following letter to the city of Los Angeles:

To Mayor Karen Bass and the 15 members of the Los Angeles City Council:

This draft ordinance seeks to convert Emergency Directive 1 (as amended through July

1, 2024) into an ordinance, but the draft ordinance offers too many opportunities for

planning decisions to be discretionary, and discretionary decisionmaking opens the door

to graft and corruption.

When “all affordable” projects are proposed, it is essential that there be clear, uniformly

applied guidelines for when a developer will be allowed waivers, exceptions and/or

incentives in exchange for building housing. The Planning Department’s General

Development Standards (updated March 2024) should serve as the general rule for

what can be built, and waivers, exceptions and/or incentives should be provided

infrequently, if at all. We want to maintain the height limits, setback and open space

requirements that make our community a desirable place to live.

Further, the City Planning Commission’s Affordable Housing Incentives Guidelines (VI)

provide that an applicant requesting incentives/concessions must provide “[t]he

rationale and accurate supporting information, sufficient to demonstrate that the specific

request is necessary to make the affordable units feasible.” In other words, will the

project only “pencil out” if the incentives are provided, or could the affordable units be

provided within the limits of existing zoning and development standards? All developers

must be required to make this showing for any project that includes covenanted

affordable units.

The Del Rey community has several “all affordable” projects that were built in

compliance with the Palms Mar Vista Del Rey Community Plan. Therefore, we believeDocusign Envelope ID: D63CF9C4-291C-4E3E-ACD7-6F408C3CF31A

Council File 23-0623-S1

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that the City can get the affordable housing it needs without ignoring the planning needs

of the existing community.

Very truly yours,

Elizabeth Campos Layne



Gardens (601 units run by HACLA), an unknown number of buildings that take Section

8 tenants, two domestic violence shelters and community care facilities with low income


Del Rey Square, 11976 Culver Blvd., 124 units for seniors, 12 of which are for formerly


Redwood Village, 13150 Maxella Avenue, 50 units of Section 8 housing;

Ballona Villa, 5026 S. Slauson, 10 units of supportive housing;

5032 Slauson, 8 units of supportive housing;

4816 Slauson, 8 units of affordable housing;

4216 Centinela Avenue, 14 units of affordable and supportive housing;

Gateway Apartments, 13368 W. Beach Avenue, 21 units of supportive housing for

people who experienced homelessness.

PATH Villas at Del Rey, 11738 Courtleigh Drive, 23 units for individuals with mental

health disabilities who have experienced homelessness.


12120 Wagner Street (“Allies for Every Child”), ADM-2024-2795-DB-SIP-VHCA (14


12606 Culver Blvd. (next to Marina Christian Fellowship, possibly a “faith-based”

project, but being prepared by Community Corporation of Santa Monica);

11304-11310 and 11312-11314 Culver Boulevard. Culver City is the lead agency for

this 143 unit, eight story project, which straddles the boundary between Culver City (89

units) and Los Angeles (54 units) and is next to the 405 freeway. The project is aimed at

the “missing middle,” i.e. a single person making $82,500 per year can qualify, and the

building is nearly all one bedroom units.


 Marian Ensley, West Area Representative for Mayor Karen Bass,

 Jeff Khau, Planning Deputy, City Councilmember Traci Park,

 Matthew Halden, Del Rey Deputy, City Councilmember Traci Park,

 Blair Smith (re Citywide Housing incentive Program),

 Kiran Rishi (re Community Plan Update),

 Matthew Glesne, Sr. City Planner, Housing Policy,

 Del Rey Neighborhood Council,

 Land Use and Planning Committee, Del Rey Neighborhood Council,

 Maryam Zar, Westside Regional Alliance of Councils Land Use & Planning Committee, United Neighbors


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