The DRRA's Land Use Committee recently sent the following letter to our LA City officials:
Please support Draft # 3 of the CHIP/Housing Element program as presented. Oppose adding “options”
that needlessly rezone single family neighborhoods. It is inaccurate to say that single family zoning
makes up 70% of the developable land in Los Angeles. It is closer to 45%.
We want to protect the single family neighborhoods because that is what people want — a house with a
yard where they can raise children and build equity in a home where they can live when they are old. That
is true for all ethnic groups in all parts of the City.
Upzoning does not lower housing prices. The property that can have 38 rent-producing units and smaller
yards will be more valuable than a property with only three units with yards on four sides. The owner of
the denser property will make a lot of money, but the community at large will lose out.
The City does need more affordable housing for those who are too disabled to work, but
intentional planning, not ad hoc densification, is the way to meet that need.
Our board reviewed and approved this letter at board meeting on October 7, 2024.
Elizabeth Campos Layne
cc: (via e-mail)
Traci Park councilmember.park@lacity.org
C.D. 11 Planning Deputy Jeff Khau jeff.khau@lacity.org
C.D. 11 Del Rey Deputy Matthew Halden matthew.halden@lacity.org
United Neighbors mpkalban@gmail.com