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Del Rey Land Use Committee

Citywide Housing Incentive Program

The DRRA's Land Use Committee sent the following letter to our city officials:

DocuSign Envelope ID: 4051DADB-373E-402A-9E9F-E4D9987A7EB0

June 4, 2024

Via E-Mail

See Distribution List below

Re: Citywide Housing Incentive Program

The Community Plan for Palms Mar Vista Del Rey has not been updated since its

adoption in 1997. Therefore, until a new plan has been vetted and approved by the City

Council, we must insist upon adherence to the land uses and densities in the existing


Specifically, we are concerned that the City’s rush to build affordable housing will wipe

out the commercial and industrial areas that create jobs for the residents and will result

in overly dense projects that do not provide adequate public infrastructure, pollution

control and emergency evacuation routes. Del Rey has unique environmental concerns:

it is transected by three creeks and two freeways; it has a high water table that will be

affected when heavier buildings are built; parts of Del Rey have been identified as flood-

prone or at risk due to Sea Level Rise.

Unelected City employees should not have the discretion to grant multiple incentives,

waivers and exceptions that will have the effect of upzoning our community before a new

comprehensive plan has been adopted.

We are particularly concerned with the following large projects proposed for our area:

1. Paseo Marina. Case #ENV-2016-3343-EIR, State Clearinghouse #2017061017-EIR

Paseo Marina, 13400-13450 Maxella Ave, and 4305-4363 Glencoe Ave,

Los Angeles, CA 90292. This proposal would require a General Plan Amendment so

that a 77 foot tall, predominantly residential complex could be built where there is

currently a shopping center that serves the surrounding community.

2. 5000 Beethoven. Case No. CPC-2016-426-GPA-VZC-SPR. Back in 2015, the

owner wanted to build 236 apartments on this property which is zoned Industrial

and is located on a peninsula between Centinela Creek and Ballona Creek, locally

known as “Bird Island.” In October 2023, the property was advertised as

“Industrial/Studio/Office Build-to-Suit.” The Coastal Zone boundary bisects the

peninsula, which can only be accessed by a two lane bridge. DBS Permit #22020-

Post Office Box 661450 – Los Angeles, CA 90066

www.delreyresidentsassn.orgDocuSign Envelope ID: 4051DADB-373E-402A-9E9F-E4D9987A7EB0

Citywide Housing Incentive Program

June 4, 2024

Page 2 of 2

3. 4. 10000-01437; Case: ENV-2023-6735-EAF (private street). The bridge permit was

issued without adequate community input and in a way that ignores the potential

impacts of the bridge construction on the region’s ecosystem and habitat.

Culver-Slauson, 11304-11310 and 11312-11314 Culver Boulevard. Culver City is

the lead agency for this 143 unit project, which straddles the boundary between

Culver City (89 units) and Los Angeles (54 units). The property will be considered a

“Transit Oriented Community” because it is within half a mile of the buses on

Sepulveda Blvd. and Culver Blvd., but it is also right next to the Sawtelle Avenue

onramp to the 405 freeway and the 405 freeway’s pollutants. The plan is to build an

eight story building with only 10 parking spaces. The units are “all affordable,” but 80

per cent of the units will be aimed at “moderate income” residents in small

households. Designating the project as “all affordable” will not obviate the need to

think about the planning needs of the surrounding community.

Public Storage. CPC-2024-115-GPA-ZC-HD-CU-ZAA-SPR, 12681 Jefferson Blvd.,

proposing a new 82,324 square foot building on a property that has already been

built out to the density allowed by our Community Plan. Why should the developer

be allowed to build more densely than was previously allowed by the City?

We want to be sure that the City Planning Department will not allow projects to be

“super-sized” or be changed in character from what was anticipated when our

Community Plan was adopted by the City Council in 1997.

Our board of directors reviewed and approved this e-mail at its June 3, 2024 board


Very truly yours,

Elizabeth Campos Layne


CC: Mayor Karen Bass

◼ Marian Ensley, West Area Representative,

City Councilmember Traci Park,

◼ Planning Deputy Jeff Khau,

◼ Del Rey Deputy Matthew Halden, re: Paseo Marina re: 5000 Beethoven, Culver-Slauson re Culver-Slauson re Public Storage

Matthew Glesne, Sr. City Planner, Housing Policy,

Cally Hardy, Sr. Housing Analyst, Housing Department,

Westside Regional Alliance of Councils Land Use & Planning Committee

◼ Maryam Zar,


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