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DRRA Land Use Committee

9 Bad Bills, Summer 2020

August 3, 2020


State Senator Ben Allen

State Assemblymember Autumn Burke

State Assemblymember Sydney Kamlager-Dove

Re: Pending planning and land use bills

To our legislators:

As you consider the bills listed in the postscript below, we want your votes

to be guided by the following considerations:

1. The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed how we live, work

and move. It has made life more uncertain and has decreased the

transparency of the legislative process by limiting debate. Therefore, we

strongly recommend holding off on passing any bills that encourage real

estate development until we know more about the effects of the pandemic.

If people are going to continue spending more time at home, the need for

access to clean open space will be even more important than it is now.

2. State legislation should not override local land use and planning. The

people who must live with a project must be able to shape what is built.

3. Housing will not be made more affordable simply by allowing more units to

be built. When a developer is allowed to build more density than would

be allowed by the Community Plan, the developer is granted an economic

benefit (density bonus) at the expense of the surrounding community. In

the end, too few affordable units are actually created to warrant the

burden borne by the community.

4. When housing units are added to a community, provision must be made

for the public services that will be needed for those new residents – water,

power, sanitation, transportation (roads, transit, parking), health and safety

(police, fire, medical care), libraries, parks.

DocuSign Envelope ID: 1B93CC42-0271-4A7D-9B28-471E02192FAA

State Planning and Land Use

August 3, 2020

Page 2

5. The new laws must also consider that the burden from increased density

usually lands on the neighborhoods that are already zoned for higher

density, resulting in a less equitable distribution of the public amenities

that improve the quality of life in a neighborhood.

7. The data about average household income in Los Angeles suggests that

at least half of the households in our area could qualify for an “affordable”

unit. However, we cannot build our way out of this shortage. Legislation

must prioritize the construction of projects that will be 100% dedicated to

meeting the housing needs of the most vulnerable – people who are

elderly, sick or disabled, i.e. the people who are unlikely to be able to earn

enough to pay for housing at market rates.

The nine bills listed below have been rushed through the legislative process

during a time when public participation is greatly limited due to the COVID

pandemic. The Legislature seems to be exploiting the pandemic to usurp

local control over land use decisions. These bills will cause our

neighborhoods to fall further behind in supplying affordable housing while

over-rewarding market-rate development. Please reject these bills.

This letter was approved by our Land Use Committee on July 28, and by our

full board at its meeting on Monday, August 3, 2020.

Best regards,

Maureen Madison


Del Rey Residents Association


DocuSign Envelope ID: 1B93CC42-0271-4A7D-9B28-471E02192FAA

State Planning and Land Use

August 3, 2020

Page 2

SB 1120 (Wiener and Atkins) – NO

SB 902 (Wiener) – NO

SB 995 (Wiener and Atkins) – NO

SB 1085 (Skinner) – NO

AB 725 (Wicks and Wiener) – NO

AB 1279 (Bloom) – NO

AB 2345 (Gonzalez and Chiu) – NO

AB 3040 (Chiu) – NO

AB 3107 (Bloom and Ting) – NO


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