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DRRA Land Use Committee

12120 Wagner

The DRRA's Land Use Committee recently sent the following letter to the LA City Planning Department:

Mr. Kenton Trinh

City of Los Angeles Planning Department

Re: ADM-2024-2795-DB-SIP-VHCA

12120 W. Wagner St., Del Rey 90230

Dear Mr. Trinh:

The Del Rey Residents Association has not yet taken a formal position on this proposed

project. However, we would like to go on the record as being strongly concerned about

one potential impact of further densification of this segment of Wagner Street.

Currently, there is a permanent wall just west of the Allies for Every Child (“Allies”)

property which splits Wagner St. between Inglewood Blvd. and Wagner’s terminus as a

cul-de-sac just west of Farias Avenue and Sanford Drive. The wall protects the

immediate community against some of the cut-through traffic that would otherwise

greatly magnify an existing problem for Sanford Dr. / Farias Ave. (See map at


Many years ago, an applicant seeking to replace the then-industrial use of the 12120

Wagner site with a fairly dense condominium development caused the Los Angeles Fire

Department (LAFD) to suggest that the wall would have to come down to give fire

apparatus room to maneuver. The project was defeated, and the wall remained.

In the years since, the proliferation of GPS navigation tools and increasing traffic

volumes attributable to the Playa Vista development have caused the narrow Sanford

Drive, and Farias Ave., which bisect the Wagner St. cul-de-sac, to become an

increasingly popular cut-through route for commuters attempting to avoid traffic on

Centinela Avenue or Inglewood Boulevard. Addition of the Allies project and loss of the

wall undoubtedly would result in even more cut-through traffic on Wagner Street,

Sanford Drive and Farias Avenue. The streets are already too narrow to safely allow

opposing vehicles to pass each other when there are parked cars alongside.DocuSign Envelope ID: 4051DADB-373E-402A-9E9F-E4D9987A7EB0

Mr. Kenton Trinh

Re: ADM-2024-2795-DB-SIP-VHCA

June 4, 2024

Page 2

In addition, loss of the wall would likely increase the overall noise transmission into the

Sanford-Wagner neighborhood from neighboring properties and streets. Opening

Wagner Street as another route of ingress/egress could also increase the rate of

property or other crime in the neighborhood.

In any consideration of this application, we strongly request that approval be

conditioned on avoiding any modification or destruction of the dividing wall and on the

applicant obtaining written assurance from LAFD at the appropriate leadership level that

the wall can remain intact without impacting emergency response times.


Elizabeth Campos Layne


Cc: Heather Carrigan, executive director

Matthew Halden, Del Rey deputy, C.D. 11


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