Join our next Board Meeting at 7pm on January 6, 2025
NOVEMBER 1, 2011
This policies manual shall serve as a reference for the members of the Del Rey Residents Association (herein after referred to as “Association”). Its purpose, to inform and educate members of proper conduct for Association business.
This manual does not supersede, nor supplant the By Laws of the Association. This manual is to be used for usual and customary Association business, and should serve as a regular reference during the Association’s course of business.
Members shall be bound by the codes of conduct described herein. During the course of Association business, members shall act at all times, in a manner that will only bestow kindness and neighborliness.
These Policies may be revised and/or appended upon a majority vote by the Officers and Directors of the Association Board.
A. Policy
This policy shall cover disbursements of all Association funds, including disbursements that are: made by Association check; on Association account; or out-of-pocket expenses.
All Association Officers, Directors, members, or neighbors shall be guided by this policy.
B. General
All disbursements must have prior majority approval by a quorum of the elected officers and directors. Voting and approval of disbursements may be conducted retroactive under the following circumstances:
The amount expended was $50.00 (fifty dollars) or less.
For disbursements greater than $50.00, the president must have been informed prior to the disbursement, and must concur with the extreme need to incur the expense prior to a formal vote.
The amount expended must have been used to purchase goods or services required to carry out Association business.
C. Disbursement by Association Check
Unless otherwise designated in writing by the President, only the Treasurer and President shall be authorized to endorse Association checks.
The President may delegate his/her signature authority. Any signatory delegation by the President is temporary. Any signatory delegation must be renewed by the President every sixty (60) calendar days to remain in effect.
Association account balance, debit and income information is the responsibility of the Treasurer. Therefore, any checks; account withdrawals; or deposits not conducted by the Treasurer him/herself, shall be communicated to the Treasurer immediately.
D. Association Credit Accounts
Unless authorized by the President and Treasurer, no member shall be authorized to establish an Association credit account with any vendor, or supplier of goods or services.
Supplies of services purchased on account must be approved in the same manner as described in Section 2.B.
A. Policy
This policy shall cover petitions or opinions sponsored by the Association. This shall include petitions for signature; petitions for polling; and Association endorsements or letters of opinion. Letters of opinion shall be defined as letters written to Political officials, organizations or individuals which state or request preferred opinions or courses of action desired by the Del Rey Residents Association.
This policy protects the integrity and right to know, that is to be afforded to all Board members. This policy shall help prevent a common practice, whereby political and non-political activists routinely solicit Association support by informally contacting Board members until one is found who will accept or approve support. Acceptance or approval, conditional or otherwise, is prohibited without Board recognition. Activists who claim matters are of an emergency or urgency nature must be cautioned of this policy. All Association Officers, Directors, members, or neighbors shall be guided by this policy.
B. General
All petitions, letters of opinion, or endorsements must have prior majority approval by a quorum of the elected officers and directors. If any member desires a General Membership vote on these matters, the vote shall be scheduled on the General Meeting Agenda (with the Board President’s approval) prior to the day of the General Meeting. Otherwise all such matters will be brought to a regular Board meeting, in a written form, suitable for consideration and discussion by all present. Voting and approval by the Board may be conducted retroactively under the following circumstances:
The Association President must have been informed of the issue prior to initiating a petition, letter of opinion, or endorsement.
The President must concur with the need for the petition or letter of opinion, and concur with the expedient manner in which it must be drafted and processed.
The President will seek and obtain the concurrence of the Association’s First Vice President; Second Vice President; or appropriate Committee Chairperson prior to final endorsement of a petition or letter of opinion.
Under certain circumstances (such as day-to-day activities of a Committee) the President may waive the requirements of B (above); but only on matters that do not concern significant community issues and on issues that will not jeopardize the integrity of the Association, its Board, or its members.
If approved by a unanimous Board vote, a Special Task Committee may be appointed which will review and approve written letters, prior to endorsement by the Association. This Committee will act in lieu of the majority vote required above.
C. Petitions
Petitions shall be drafted by the person or persons originating the request for a petition. Responsibility for circulating petitions approved for circulation shall rest with the person(s) requesting the petition.
Petitions shall not be allowed to advertise or otherwise express Association support, unless Board members had approved such support as defined in B, above.
Letters of Opinion
Letters of opinion shall be drafted by the person or persons originating the opinion/idea. Only after a letter of opinion is approved as described in Section 3.B (above), it will be suitable for distribution on Association letterhead.
The President or his/her designee shall be authorized to sign the resulting letter of opinion.
Association Endorsements
Association endorsements or support of political or non-political causes, as well as, affiliated social activities and programs shall be expressly prohibited without a through discussion and majority vote by the Association Board.
Association endorsements shall be drafted by the person or persons originating the opinion/idea. Only after the type of endorsement is approved as described in Section 3.B (above), will it be suitable for distribution on Association letterhead.
The President or his/her designee shall be authorized to sign the resulting letter of opinion or endorsement.
If approved by a unanimous Board vote, a Special Task Committee may be appointed which will review and approve letters of opinion or endorsements, in lieu of the majority vote required above. In this case, a member of the Special Task Committee may have authority to sign the resulting letter.
A. Policy
This policy shall cover awards and presentations sponsored by the Association. Items that are covered under this policy include such items as personalized: plaques, pins, trophies, and certificates.
The Association shall be allowed and encouraged to support community involvement by way of special recognition of individuals and groups known to contribute positively to our community. The Association, at its discretion, may foster continued community involvement through these presentations and awards.
All Association Officers, Directors, members, or neighbors shall be guided by this policy.
B. General
All awards and presentations for individual or group recognition must have prior majority approval of a quorum of the elected officers and directors. Voting may not be conducted retroactive.
C. Awards and Presentations
The President or Vice President must seek concurrence by vote, from a majority of the officers and directors prior to initiating an award or presentation. This vote, if necessary, may be conducted by telephone.
The President and Vice-President at their discretion, without the vote of Board members, may make personal presentations at Association sponsored events; this is contingent upon the presentation being identified as “personal” recognition. In choosing to make personal presentations, the presenter must consider that an outstanding achievement has been made, and that the accomplishment was of benefit to the Association or its members.
If approved by a unanimous Board vote, a Special Task Committee may be appointed which will review and approve awards or presentations, in lieu of the majority vote required above.